Orange Pi PC2の 64bit CPUパワーで 暗号通貨を採掘する(非実用)。CPU Miner cpuminer-multiで採掘する
(CPUパワーで 仮想通貨の採掘は非実用ですが、オレンジパイで動かす事が目的なので興味で動かす)
Tags: [Raspberry Pi], [Orange Pi], [電子工作], [海外通販], [通信販売]
● Orange Pi PC 2の CPUパワーで 暗号通貨を採掘する
ラズパイ3で動かしたので、比較として Orange Pi PC 2でも動かしてみます。
lucasjones/cpuminer-multi - Multi-algo CPUMiner & Reference Cryptonote Miner (JSON-RPC 2.0)
tpruvot/cpuminer-multi - crypto cpuminer (linux + windows) https://bitcointalk.org/?topic=841401
OhGodAPet/cpuminer-multi - Multi-algo CPUMiner 元:Wolf9466
MinerGate - CPUMiner-Multi by Wolf and Lucas Jones
● CPUMiner multiを Raspberry Pi 3でビルドする
Raspberry Pi 3の CPUパワーで 暗号通貨を採掘する(非実用)。CPU Miner cpuminer-multiで採掘する
CPUパワーで 仮想通貨の採掘は非実用ですが、ラズパイで動かす事が目的なので興味で動かす
● CPUMiner multiを Orange Pi PC 2で動かす
$ uname -a
Linux orangepipc2 4.13.5-sunxi64 #38 SMP Thu Oct 12 02:00:29 CEST 2017 aarch64 aarch64 aarch64 GNU/Linux
$ lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description: Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS
Release: 16.04
Codename: xenial
● Orange PI PC2でビルド
そのままでは Orange PI PC2は 64bit ARMなのでビルドに失敗します。
対応として設定ファイルやソースファイルに aarch64を追加します。
case $target in
#if defined(__x86_64__) && defined(USE_XOP)
" XOP"
#if defined(__aarch64__)
" ARM64"
#if defined(USE_ASM) && defined(__arm__) && defined(__APCS_32__)
" ARM"
#if !defined(__arm__) && !defined(__aarch64__)
static inline int cpuid(int code, uint32_t where[4]) {
asm volatile("cpuid":"=a"(*where),"=b"(*(where+1)),
return (int)where[0];
static bool has_aes_ni()
#if defined(__arm__) || defined(__aarch64__)
return false;
uint32_t cpu_info[4];
cpuid(1, cpu_info);
return cpu_info[2] & (1 << 25);
元ソースリストを Forkして、上記の修正を入れた物を私のブランチに用意しました。
FREEWING-JP/cpuminer-multi - aarch64 ARM64 patched
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get -y install automake libtool libssl-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev libjansson-dev
# aarch64 ARM64 patched lucasjones/cpuminer-multi
git clone https://github.com/FREEWING-JP/cpuminer-multi
cd cpuminer-multi
cat configure.ac | grep aarch64
./configure CFLAGS="-march=native"
make clean
$ ./minerd -V
cpuminer 1.0.4
built on Oct 14 2017
features: ARM64
libcurl/7.47.0 OpenSSL/1.0.2g zlib/1.2.8 libidn/1.32 librtmp/2.3
libjansson 2.7
$ ./minerd --bench
[2017-10-14 10:56:46] 3 miner threads started, using 'scrypt' algorithm.
[2017-10-14 10:56:46] ...retry after 10 seconds
[2017-10-14 10:56:52] thread 0: 4096 hashes, 0.66 khash/s
[2017-10-14 10:56:52] thread 2: 4096 hashes, 0.66 khash/s
[2017-10-14 10:56:52] thread 1: 4096 hashes, 0.66 khash/s
[2017-10-14 10:56:56] ...retry after 10 seconds
[2017-10-14 10:56:56] thread 0: 3300 hashes, 0.81 khash/s
[2017-10-14 10:56:56] thread 1: 3299 hashes, 0.81 khash/s
[2017-10-14 10:56:56] thread 2: 3300 hashes, 0.81 khash/s
[2017-10-14 10:56:56] Total: 2.43 khash/s
[2017-10-14 10:57:01] thread 2: 4055 hashes, 0.81 khash/s
[2017-10-14 10:57:01] Total: 2.43 khash/s
[2017-10-14 10:57:01] thread 1: 4055 hashes, 0.81 khash/s
[2017-10-14 10:57:01] thread 0: 4057 hashes, 0.79 khash/s
[2017-10-14 10:57:06] ...retry after 10 seconds
[2017-10-14 10:57:06] thread 0: 3964 hashes, 0.81 khash/s
[2017-10-14 10:57:06] thread 2: 4055 hashes, 0.81 khash/s
[2017-10-14 10:57:06] Total: 2.43 khash/s
$ ./minerd --benchmark -a sha256d
[2017-10-14 10:57:36] 3 miner threads started, using 'sha256d' algorithm.
[2017-10-14 10:57:36] ...retry after 10 seconds
[2017-10-14 10:57:40] thread 2: 2097152 hashes, 489.72 khash/s
[2017-10-14 10:57:40] thread 0: 2097152 hashes, 489.43 khash/s
[2017-10-14 10:57:40] thread 1: 2097152 hashes, 489.20 khash/s
[2017-10-14 10:57:45] thread 2: 2448621 hashes, 524.68 khash/s
[2017-10-14 10:57:45] Total: 1503 khash/s
[2017-10-14 10:57:45] thread 1: 2445990 hashes, 524.46 khash/s
[2017-10-14 10:57:45] thread 0: 2447136 hashes, 524.42 khash/s
[2017-10-14 10:57:46] ...retry after 10 seconds
[2017-10-14 10:57:50] thread 0: 2622082 hashes, 524.56 khash/s
[2017-10-14 10:57:50] thread 2: 2623378 hashes, 524.67 khash/s
[2017-10-14 10:57:50] Total: 1574 khash/s
[2017-10-14 10:57:50] thread 1: 2622304 hashes, 524.26 khash/s
[2017-10-14 10:57:55] thread 2: 2623332 hashes, 524.72 khash/s
[2017-10-14 10:57:55] Total: 1574 khash/s
● Orange PI PC2でビルド
Orange PI PC2は 64bit ARM対応の tpruvot版 tpruvot/cpuminer-multi。
tpruvot/cpuminer-multi crypto cpuminer (linux + windows) https://bitcointalk.org/?topic=841401
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get -y install automake autoconf pkg-config libtool libcurl4-openssl-dev libjansson-dev libssl-dev libgmp-dev make g++
# Latest commit 477b5fa Oct 12, 2017
git clone https://github.com/tpruvot/cpuminer-multi
# git cloneでエラーが出る場合は
# git clone https://github.com/tpruvot/cpuminer-multi -b linux
cd cpuminer-multi
sed -i -e "s/^INCLUDES/AM_CPPFLAGS/g" Makefile.am
# Note for pi64 users:
./configure --disable-assembly CFLAGS="-Ofast -march=native" --with-crypto --with-curl
make clean
sudo make install
$ ./cpuminer -V
** cpuminer-multi 1.3.3 by tpruvot@github **
BTC donation address: 1FhDPLPpw18X4srecguG3MxJYe4a1JsZnd (tpruvot)
built with GCC 5.4.0 the Oct 14 2017
compiled for general use
config features:
libcurl/7.47.0 OpenSSL/1.0.2g zlib/1.2.8 libidn/1.32 librtmp/2.3
$ ./cpuminer --help
** cpuminer-multi 1.3.3 by tpruvot@github **
BTC donation address: 1FhDPLPpw18X4srecguG3MxJYe4a1JsZnd (tpruvot)
Usage: cpuminer-multi [OPTIONS]
-a, --algo=ALGO specify the algorithm to use
axiom Shabal-256 MemoHash
bitcore Timetravel with 10 algos
blake Blake-256 14-rounds (SFR)
blakecoin Blake-256 single sha256 merkle
blake2s Blake2-S (256)
bmw BMW 256
c11/flax C11
cryptolight Cryptonight-light
cryptonight Monero
decred Blake-256 14-rounds 180 bytes
dmd-gr Diamond-Groestl
drop Dropcoin
fresh Fresh
groestl GroestlCoin
heavy Heavy
jha JHA
keccak Keccak
luffa Luffa
lyra2re Lyra2RE
lyra2rev2 Lyra2REv2 (Vertcoin)
myr-gr Myriad-Groestl
neoscrypt NeoScrypt(128, 2, 1)
nist5 Nist5
pluck Pluck:128 (Supcoin)
pentablake Pentablake
quark Quark
qubit Qubit
scrypt scrypt(1024, 1, 1) (default)
scrypt:N scrypt(N, 1, 1)
scrypt-jane:N (with N factor from 4 to 30)
shavite3 Shavite3
sha256d SHA-256d
sia Blake2-B
sib X11 + gost (SibCoin)
skein Skein+Sha (Skeincoin)
skein2 Double Skein (Woodcoin)
s3 S3
timetravel Timetravel (Machinecoin)
vanilla Blake-256 8-rounds
x11evo Permuted x11
x11 X11
x13 X13
x14 X14
x15 X15
x17 X17
xevan Xevan (BitSend)
yescrypt Yescrypt
zr5 ZR5
-o, --url=URL URL of mining server
-O, --userpass=U:P username:password pair for mining server
-u, --user=USERNAME username for mining server
-p, --pass=PASSWORD password for mining server
--cert=FILE certificate for mining server using SSL
-x, --proxy=[PROTOCOL://]HOST[:PORT] connect through a proxy
-t, --threads=N number of miner threads (default: number of processors)
-r, --retries=N number of times to retry if a network call fails
(default: retry indefinitely)
-R, --retry-pause=N time to pause between retries, in seconds (default: 30)
--time-limit=N maximum time [s] to mine before exiting the program.
-T, --timeout=N timeout for long poll and stratum (default: 300 seconds)
-s, --scantime=N upper bound on time spent scanning current work when
long polling is unavailable, in seconds (default: 5)
--randomize Randomize scan range start to reduce duplicates
-f, --diff-factor Divide req. difficulty by this factor (std is 1.0)
-m, --diff-multiplier Multiply difficulty by this factor (std is 1.0)
-n, --nfactor neoscrypt N-Factor
--coinbase-addr=ADDR payout address for solo mining
--coinbase-sig=TEXT data to insert in the coinbase when possible
--max-log-rate limit per-core hashrate logs (default: 5s)
--no-longpoll disable long polling support
--no-getwork disable getwork support
--no-gbt disable getblocktemplate support
--no-stratum disable X-Stratum support
--no-extranonce disable Stratum extranonce support
--no-redirect ignore requests to change the URL of the mining server
-q, --quiet disable per-thread hashmeter output
--no-color disable colored output
-D, --debug enable debug output
-P, --protocol-dump verbose dump of protocol-level activities
--hide-diff Hide submitted block and net difficulty
-S, --syslog use system log for output messages
-B, --background run the miner in the background
--benchmark run in offline benchmark mode
--cputest debug hashes from cpu algorithms
--cpu-affinity set process affinity to cpu core(s), mask 0x3 for cores 0 and 1
--cpu-priority set process priority (default: 0 idle, 2 normal to 5 highest)
-b, --api-bind IP/Port for the miner API (default:
--api-remote Allow remote control
--max-temp=N Only mine if cpu temp is less than specified value (linux)
--max-rate=N[KMG] Only mine if net hashrate is less than specified value
--max-diff=N Only mine if net difficulty is less than specified value
-c, --config=FILE load a JSON-format configuration file
-V, --version display version information and exit
-h, --help display this help text and exit
$ ./cpuminer --bench
** cpuminer-multi 1.3.3 by tpruvot@github **
BTC donation address: 1FhDPLPpw18X4srecguG3MxJYe4a1JsZnd (tpruvot)
[2017-10-14 11:24:56] 4 miner threads started, using 'scrypt' algorithm.
[2017-10-14 11:24:58] CPU #0: 0.36 kH/s
[2017-10-14 11:24:58] CPU #1: 0.36 kH/s
[2017-10-14 11:24:58] CPU #2: 0.36 kH/s
[2017-10-14 11:24:58] CPU #3: 0.36 kH/s
[2017-10-14 11:24:58] Total: 1.44 kH/s
[2017-10-14 11:24:59] Total: 3.55 kH/s
[2017-10-14 11:25:01] Total: 3.55 kH/s
[2017-10-14 11:25:06] CPU #0: 0.89 kH/s
[2017-10-14 11:25:06] CPU #2: 0.89 kH/s
[2017-10-14 11:25:06] CPU #1: 0.88 kH/s
[2017-10-14 11:25:06] CPU #3: 0.89 kH/s
[2017-10-14 11:25:06] Total: 3.55 kH/s
[2017-10-14 11:25:11] Total: 3.55 kH/s
$ ./cpuminer --bench -a sha256d
** cpuminer-multi 1.3.3 by tpruvot@github **
BTC donation address: 1FhDPLPpw18X4srecguG3MxJYe4a1JsZnd (tpruvot)
[2017-10-14 11:25:28] 4 miner threads started, using 'sha256d' algorithm.
[2017-10-14 11:25:32] CPU #1: 526.21 kH/s
[2017-10-14 11:25:32] CPU #2: 526.22 kH/s
[2017-10-14 11:25:32] CPU #3: 526.25 kH/s
[2017-10-14 11:25:32] CPU #0: 524.44 kH/s
[2017-10-14 11:25:33] Total: 2103 kH/s
[2017-10-14 11:25:38] CPU #1: 526.20 kH/s
[2017-10-14 11:25:38] CPU #2: 526.17 kH/s
[2017-10-14 11:25:38] CPU #3: 526.26 kH/s
[2017-10-14 11:25:38] Total: 2103 kH/s
[2017-10-14 11:25:38] CPU #0: 524.52 kH/s
[2017-10-14 11:25:43] Total: 2103 kH/s
[2017-10-14 11:25:48] CPU #1: 526.26 kH/s
[2017-10-14 11:25:48] CPU #2: 526.15 kH/s
[2017-10-14 11:25:48] CPU #3: 526.15 kH/s
[2017-10-14 11:25:48] Total: 2103 kH/s
Currently supported
* scrypt (Litecoin, Dogecoin, Feathercoin, ...)
* scrypt:N
* scrypt-jane:N
* sha256d (Bitcoin, Freicoin, Peercoin/PPCoin, Terracoin, ...)
* axiom (Axiom Shabal-256 based MemoHash)
* bastion (Joincoin [J])
* bitcore Permuted serie of 10 algos (BitCore)
* blake (Saffron [SFR] Blake-256)
* blake2s (NevaCoin Blake2-S 256)
* bmw (Midnight [MDT] BMW-256)
* cryptonight (Bytecoin [BCN], Monero [XMR])
* cryptonight-light (Aeon)
* decred (Blake256-14 [DCR])
* dmd-gr (Diamond-Groestl)
* fresh (FreshCoin)
* groestl (Groestlcoin)
* jha (JackpotCoin, SweepStake)
* lbry (LBRY Credits [LBC])
* lyra2RE (Cryptocoin)
* lyra2REv2 (VertCoin [VTC])
* myr-gr Myriad-Groestl (MyriadCoin [MYR])
* neoscrypt (Feathercoin)
* nist5 (MistCoin [MIC], TalkCoin [TAC], ...)
* pentablake (Joincoin)
* pluck (Supcoin [SUP])
* quark (Quarkcoin)
* qubit (GeoCoin)
* skein (Skeincoin, Myriadcoin, Xedoscoin, ...)
* skein2 (Woodcoin)
* s3 (OneCoin)
* sia (Reversed Blake2B for SIA [SC])
* sib X11 + gost streebog (SibCoin)
* timetravel Permuted serie of 8 algos (MachineCoin [MAC])
* tribus 3 of the top NIST5 algos (Denarius [DNR])
* vanilla (Blake-256 8-rounds - double sha256 [VNL])
* veltor (Veltor [VLT])
* xevan x17 x 2 on bigger header (BitSend [BSD])
* x11evo (Revolver [XRE])
* x11 (Darkcoin [DRK], Hirocoin, Limecoin, ...)
* x13 (Sherlockcoin, [ACE], [B2B], [GRC], [XHC], ...)
* x14 (X14, Webcoin [WEB])
* x15 (RadianceCoin [RCE])
* x17 (Verge [XVG])
* yescrypt (GlobalBoostY [BSTY], Unitus [UIS], MyriadCoin [MYR])
* zr5 (Ziftrcoin [ZRC])
Tags: [Raspberry Pi], [Orange Pi], [電子工作], [海外通販], [通信販売]
FWinSdCardImager SDカード イメージ書き込みアプリ、ラズパイの Raspbian OS、Jetson Nanoの Ubuntuの書き込みに便利
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Raspberry Pi 3公式フォーラムの FAQの内容の日本語訳
ラズパイ公式フォーラムの「The Raspberry Pi 3 Model B Q&A thread」の日本語訳
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Raspberry Pi関連はこちらへまとめました
(I2C制御、GPIO制御、1-Wire制御、シリアル通信、日本語音声合成、日本語音声認識、中国語音声合成、MeCab 形態素解析エンジン、赤外線リモコン制御、秋月 I2C液晶モジュール、KeDei 3.5インチ液晶、HDMI 5インチ液晶、NFCカードリーダ、コマンドライン操作方法等)
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リンクフリー(連絡不要、ただしトップページ以外は Web構成の変更で移動する場合があります)
Copyright (c)
2017 FREE WING,Y.Sakamoto
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