    Raspberry Pi


NVIDIA Jetson Nanoの Ubuntuの dpkg-reconfigureで指定できる packageの一覧を知る方法 NVIDIA Jetson Nanoの Ubuntuの dpkg-reconfigureで指定できる packageの一覧を知る方法

(dpkg-reconfigure please specify a package to reconfigureと言われない為に)

Tags: [Raspberry Pi], [電子工作], [ディープラーニング]

● Ubuntuの dpkg-reconfigureで指定できる packageの一覧を知る方法

user@user-desktop:~$ sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm3
user@user-desktop:~$ sudo dpkg-reconfigure console-setup
user@user-desktop:~$ sudo dpkg-reconfigure
[sudo] password for user:
/usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure: please specify a package to reconfigure

user@user-desktop:~$ sudo dpkg-reconfigure hoge
dpkg-query: package 'hoge' is not installed and no information is available
Use dpkg --info (= dpkg-deb --info) to examine archive files,
and dpkg --contents (= dpkg-deb --contents) to list their contents.
/usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure: hoge is not installed

user@user-desktop:~$ ls /var/lib/dpkg/info/*.config

user@user-desktop:~$ dpkg --info
dpkg-deb: error: --info needs a .deb filename argument

Type dpkg-deb --help for help about manipulating *.deb files;
Type dpkg --help for help about installing and deinstalling packages.

user@user-desktop:~$ dpkg --contents
dpkg-deb: error: --contents takes exactly one argument

Type dpkg-deb --help for help about manipulating *.deb files;
Type dpkg --help for help about installing and deinstalling packages.

user@user-desktop:~$ dpkg --help
Usage: dpkg [<option> ...] <command>

  -i|--install       <.deb file name> ... | -R|--recursive <directory> ...
  --unpack           <.deb file name> ... | -R|--recursive <directory> ...
  -A|--record-avail  <.deb file name> ... | -R|--recursive <directory> ...
  --configure        <package> ... | -a|--pending
  --triggers-only    <package> ... | -a|--pending
  -r|--remove        <package> ... | -a|--pending
  -P|--purge         <package> ... | -a|--pending
  -V|--verify <package> ...        Verify the integrity of package(s).
  --get-selections [<pattern> ...] Get list of selections to stdout.
  --set-selections                 Set package selections from stdin.
  --clear-selections               Deselect every non-essential package.
  --update-avail [<Packages-file>] Replace available packages info.
  --merge-avail [<Packages-file>]  Merge with info from file.
  --clear-avail                    Erase existing available info.
  --forget-old-unavail             Forget uninstalled unavailable pkgs.
  -s|--status <package> ...        Display package status details.
  -p|--print-avail <package> ...   Display available version details.
  -L|--listfiles <package> ...     List files 'owned' by package(s).
  -l|--list [<pattern> ...]        List packages concisely.
  -S|--search <pattern> ...        Find package(s) owning file(s).
  -C|--audit [<package> ...]       Check for broken package(s).
  --yet-to-unpack                  Print packages selected for installation.
  --predep-package                 Print pre-dependencies to unpack.
  --add-architecture <arch>        Add <arch> to the list of architectures.
  --remove-architecture <arch>     Remove <arch> from the list of architectures.
  --print-architecture             Print dpkg architecture.
  --print-foreign-architectures    Print allowed foreign architectures.
  --assert-<feature>               Assert support for the specified feature.
  --validate-<thing> <string>      Validate a <thing>'s <string>.
  --compare-versions <a> <op> <b>  Compare version numbers - see below.
  --force-help                     Show help on forcing.
  -Dh|--debug=help                 Show help on debugging.

  -?, --help                       Show this help message.
      --version                    Show the version.

Assertable features: support-predepends, working-epoch, long-filenames,
  multi-conrep, multi-arch, versioned-provides.

Validatable things: pkgname, archname, trigname, version.

Use dpkg with -b, --build, -c, --contents, -e, --control, -I, --info,
  -f, --field, -x, --extract, -X, --vextract, --ctrl-tarfile, --fsys-tarfile
on archives (type dpkg-deb --help).

  --admindir=<directory>     Use <directory> instead of /var/lib/dpkg.
  --root=<directory>         Install on a different root directory.
  --instdir=<directory>      Change installation dir without changing admin dir.
  --path-exclude=<pattern>   Do not install paths which match a shell pattern.
  --path-include=<pattern>   Re-include a pattern after a previous exclusion.
  -O|--selected-only         Skip packages not selected for install/upgrade.
  -E|--skip-same-version     Skip packages whose same version is installed.
  -G|--refuse-downgrade      Skip packages with earlier version than installed.
  -B|--auto-deconfigure      Install even if it would break some other package.
  --[no-]triggers            Skip or force consequential trigger processing.
  --verify-format=<format>   Verify output format (supported: 'rpm').
  --no-debsig                Do not try to verify package signatures.
                             Just say what we would do - don't do it.
  -D|--debug=<octal>         Enable debugging (see -Dhelp or --debug=help).
  --status-fd <n>            Send status change updates to file descriptor <n>.
  --status-logger=<command>  Send status change updates to <command>'s stdin.
  --log=<filename>           Log status changes and actions to <filename>.
                             Ignore dependencies involving <package>.
  --force-...                Override problems (see --force-help).
                             Stop when problems encountered.
  --abort-after <n>          Abort after encountering <n> errors.

Comparison operators for --compare-versions are:
  lt le eq ne ge gt       (treat empty version as earlier than any version);
  lt-nl le-nl ge-nl gt-nl (treat empty version as later than any version);
  < << <= = >= >> >       (only for compatibility with control file syntax).

Use 'apt' or 'aptitude' for user-friendly package management.

user@user-desktop:~$ dpkg-deb --info
dpkg-deb: error: --info needs a .deb filename argument

Type dpkg-deb --help for help about manipulating *.deb files;
Type dpkg --help for help about installing and deinstalling packages.

user@user-desktop:~$ dpkg-deb --contents
dpkg-deb: error: --contents takes exactly one argument

Type dpkg-deb --help for help about manipulating *.deb files;
Type dpkg --help for help about installing and deinstalling packages.

user@user-desktop:~$ dpkg-deb --help
Usage: dpkg-deb [<option> ...] <command>

  -b|--build <directory> [<deb>]   Build an archive.
  -c|--contents <deb>              List contents.
  -I|--info <deb> [<cfile> ...]    Show info to stdout.
  -W|--show <deb>                  Show information on package(s)
  -f|--field <deb> [<cfield> ...]  Show field(s) to stdout.
  -e|--control <deb> [<directory>] Extract control info.
  -x|--extract <deb> <directory>   Extract files.
  -X|--vextract <deb> <directory>  Extract & list files.
  -R|--raw-extract <deb> <directory>
                                   Extract control info and files.
  --ctrl-tarfile <deb>             Output control tarfile.
  --fsys-tarfile <deb>             Output filesystem tarfile.

  -?, --help                       Show this help message.
      --version                    Show the version.

<deb> is the filename of a Debian format archive.
<cfile> is the name of an administrative file component.
<cfield> is the name of a field in the main 'control' file.

  -v, --verbose                    Enable verbose output.
  -D, --debug                      Enable debugging output.
      --showformat=<format>        Use alternative format for --show.
      --deb-format=<format>        Select archive format.
                                     Allowed values: 0.939000, 2.0 (default).
      --nocheck                    Suppress control file check (build bad
      --root-owner-group           Forces the owner and groups to root.
      --[no-]uniform-compression   Use the compression params on all members.
  -z#                              Set the compression level when building.
  -Z<type>                         Set the compression type used when building.
                                     Allowed types: gzip, xz, zstd, none.
  -S<strategy>                     Set the compression strategy when building.
                                     Allowed values: none; extreme (xz);
                                     filtered, huffman, rle, fixed (gzip).

Format syntax:
  A format is a string that will be output for each package. The format
  can include the standard escape sequences \n (newline), \r (carriage
  return) or \\ (plain backslash). Package information can be included
  by inserting variable references to package fields using the ${var[;width]}
  syntax. Fields will be right-aligned unless the width is negative in which
  case left alignment will be used.

Use 'dpkg' to install and remove packages from your system, or
'apt' or 'aptitude' for user-friendly package management. Packages
unpacked using 'dpkg-deb --extract' will be incorrectly installed !

Tags: [Raspberry Pi], [電子工作], [ディープラーニング]


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