    Raspberry Pi


【2020年版】Jetson Nanoで StyleGANを動かして可愛い美少女のアニメ顔を大量生産する方法 【2020年版】Jetson Nanoで StyleGANを動かして可愛い美少女のアニメ顔を大量生産する方法

(【俺の嫁】Jetson Nanoで StyleGANと StyleGAN2のそれぞれで、敵対的生成ネットワーク AIでアニメ顔を生成)

Tags: [Raspberry Pi], [電子工作], [ディープラーニング]

● Jetson Nano、Jetson Xavier NXの便利スクリプト

【2020年版】NVIDIA Jetson Nano、Jetson Xavier NXの便利スクリプト
【2020年版】NVIDIA Jetson Nano、Jetson Xavier NXの便利スクリプト

  Jetsonの面倒な初期設定やミドルウェアのインストールを bashスクリプトの実行だけで簡単にできます

● Jetson Xavier NXを国内定価よりも安く買う!!ザビエル元年!!

【2020年】Jetson Xavier NX 開発者キットが安かったので衝動買いした件、標準販売価格5万円が4万4千円!
【2020年】Jetson Xavier NX 開発者キットが安かったので衝動買いした件、標準販売価格5万円が4万4千円!

  【ザビエル元年】Jetson Xavier NX 開発者キットを最安値で購入で、しかも国内在庫で注文から翌日で到着、ザビエル開封レビュー

● Jetson Nanoで StyleGANを動かして可愛い美少女のアニメ顔を大量生産する方法

 Jetson Nano JetPack 4.3
 Jetson Nano JetPack 4.4
 Jetson Xavier NX JetPack 4.4

 GAN = Generative Adversarial Networks 敵対的生成ネットワーク

StyleGAN - Official TensorFlow Implementation

StyleGAN2 - Official TensorFlow Implementation

手塚治虫の伝説的な作品をもとに、AI が新作漫画の制作を支援

This Waifu Does Not Exist

How we built the Waifu Vending Machine

● Jetson Nanoで StyleGAN1を動かす方法

【2020年版】NVIDIA Jetson Nanoで TensorFlowの StyleGANを動かして、顔画像を生成
【2020年版】NVIDIA Jetson Nanoで TensorFlowの StyleGANを動かして、顔画像を生成

  NVIDIA Jetson Nano JetPack StyleGAN、敵対的生成ネットワーク AIで自然な顔画像を生成する

● Jetson Nanoで StyleGAN2を動かす方法

【2020年版】NVIDIA Jetson Nanoで StyleGANの改良版の StyleGAN2で自然な画像を生成
【2020年版】NVIDIA Jetson Nanoで StyleGANの改良版の StyleGAN2で自然な画像を生成

  NVIDIA Jetson Nano JetPack StyleGAN2、敵対的生成ネットワーク AIで自然な顔画像を生成する

● Jetson Nanoで StyleGAN1を動かして可愛い美少女のアニメ顔を大量生産する方法

Making Anime Faces With StyleGAN

 StyleGAN model used for TWDNEv1 samples as of 26 February 2019 (294MB, .pkl)
ls -l ../2019-02-26-stylegan-faces-network-02048-016041.pkl
# -rw-r--r-- 1 jetson jetson 307576240  6月 26 20:02 ../2019-02-26-stylegan-faces-network-02048-016041.pkl

・StyleGAN Making Anime Faces 2019-02-26-stylegan-faces-network-02048-016041.pkl
StyleGAN Making Anime Faces 2019-02-26-stylegan-faces-network-02048-016041.pkl

StyleGAN Making Anime Faces 2019-02-26-stylegan-faces-network-02048-016041.pkl

StyleGAN Making Anime Faces 2019-02-26-stylegan-faces-network-02048-016041.pkl

StyleGAN Making Anime Faces 2019-02-26-stylegan-faces-network-02048-016041.pkl

StyleGAN Making Anime Faces 2019-02-26-stylegan-faces-network-02048-016041.pkl

● Making Anime Faces With StyleGANのその他の StyleGAN model pklファイル(リンクが超絶クソわかり難い)


● StyleGAN 1を動かして可愛い美少女のアニメ顔を 1000枚生成するデモ

 pretrained_example.pyを改造して、ローカルの pklファイルを読み込む様にします。
python3 pretrained_example_anime.py

nano pretrained_example_anime.py
# Copyright (c) 2019, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
# This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
# 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit
# http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/ or send a letter to
# Creative Commons, PO Box 1866, Mountain View, CA 94042, USA.

"""Minimal script for generating an image using pre-trained StyleGAN generator."""

import os
import pickle
import numpy as np
import PIL.Image
import dnnlib
import dnnlib.tflib as tflib
import config

def main():
    # Initialize TensorFlow.

#    # Load pre-trained network.
#    url = 'https://drive.google.com/uc?id=1MEGjdvVpUsu1jB4zrXZN7Y4kBBOzizDQ' # karras2019stylegan-ffhq-1024x1024.pkl
#    with dnnlib.util.open_url(url, cache_dir=config.cache_dir) as f:
#        _G, _D, Gs = pickle.load(f)

    # Load local pickel file
    # https://www.gwern.net/Faces#anime-faces
    # the StyleGAN model used for TWDNEv1 samples as of 26 February 2019 (294MB, .pkl)
    with open("../2019-02-26-stylegan-faces-network-02048-016041.pkl", "rb") as f:
        _, _, Gs = pickle.load(f)
        # _G = Instantaneous snapshot of the generator. Mainly useful for resuming a previous training run.
        # _D = Instantaneous snapshot of the discriminator. Mainly useful for resuming a previous training run.
        # Gs = Long-term average of the generator. Yields higher-quality results than the instantaneous snapshot.

    # Print network details.

    for i in range(1000):

      # Pick latent vector.
      rnd = np.random.RandomState()
      latents = rnd.randn(1, Gs.input_shape[1])

      # Generate image.
      fmt = dict(func=tflib.convert_images_to_uint8, nchw_to_nhwc=True)
      images = Gs.run(latents, None, truncation_psi=0.7, randomize_noise=True, output_transform=fmt)

      # Save image.
      os.makedirs(config.result_dir, exist_ok=True)
      png_filename = os.path.join(config.result_dir, 'example_anime_'+ str(i).zfill(3) +'.png')
      PIL.Image.fromarray(images[0], 'RGB').save(png_filename)

if __name__ == "__main__":

 わぁ~~~い!! (^_^)
・Jetson Nanoで StyleGAN1を動かして可愛い美少女のアニメ顔を大量生産する方法
Jetson Nanoで StyleGAN1を動かして可愛い美少女のアニメ顔を大量生産する方法

・Jetson Nanoで StyleGAN1を動かして可愛い美少女のアニメ顔を大量生産する方法
Jetson Nanoで StyleGAN1を動かして可愛い美少女のアニメ顔を大量生産する方法

● Jetson Nanoで StyleGAN 2を動かして可愛い美少女のアニメ顔を大量生産する方法

 PyTorchと torchvisionが必要。

StyleGAN2 - Pytorch Implementation

・StyleGAN Making Anime Faces 2020-01-11-skylion-stylegan2-animeportraits-networksnapshot-024664.pkl.xz
StyleGAN Making Anime Faces 2020-01-11-skylion-stylegan2-animeportraits-networksnapshot-024664.pkl.xz

# 2020-01-11-skylion-stylegan2-animeportraits-networksnapshot-024664.pkl.xz
xz -d 2020-01-11-skylion-stylegan2-animeportraits-networksnapshot-024664.pkl.xz
ls -l 2020-01-11-*
# -rw-r--r-- 1 jetson jetson 363989551  6月 26 21:53 2020-01-11-skylion-stylegan2-animeportraits-networksnapshot-024664.pkl

# StyleGAN2 - Pytorch Implementation
git clone https://github.com/Tetratrio/stylegan2_pytorch --depth 1

cd stylegan2_pytorch

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

ls -l ../2020-01-11-*
# -rw-r--r-- 1 jetson jetson 363989551  6月 26 21:53 ../2020-01-11-skylion-stylegan2-animeportraits-networksnapshot-024664.pkl

# Generating images
# Train a network or convert a pretrained one.
# Example of converting pretrained model
python3 run_convert_from_tf.py --input=../2020-01-11-skylion-stylegan2-animeportraits-networksnapshot-024664.pkl --output skylion
# ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'torch'
# Python 3.6 PyTorch 1.4.0
# ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'torchvision'
# Install torchvision v0.5.0
# ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'scipy'
# install scipy
pip3 install scipy

python3 run_convert_from_tf.py --input=../2020-01-11-skylion-stylegan2-animeportraits-networksnapshot-024664.pkl --output skylion
# Converting tensorflow models and saving them...
# Done!

# generate some images truncation_psi=1.0
python3 run_generator.py generate_images --network=skylion/Gs.pth --seeds=1,32,64,128,256,512,1024,2048 --truncation_psi=1.0
# Generating images...
# Done!
mv results results_10

ls -l results_10
# -rw-rw-r-- 1 jetson jetson 359352  6月 25 23:46 seed0001.png
# -rw-rw-r-- 1 jetson jetson 486203  6月 25 23:46 seed0032.png
# -rw-rw-r-- 1 jetson jetson 384899  6月 25 23:46 seed0064.png
# -rw-rw-r-- 1 jetson jetson 415930  6月 25 23:47 seed0128.png
# -rw-rw-r-- 1 jetson jetson 387382  6月 25 23:47 seed0256.png
# -rw-rw-r-- 1 jetson jetson 365557  6月 25 23:47 seed0512.png
# -rw-rw-r-- 1 jetson jetson 406286  6月 25 23:47 seed1024.png
# -rw-rw-r-- 1 jetson jetson 378283  6月 25 23:47 seed2048.png

# truncation_psi=0.0
python3 run_generator.py generate_images --network=skylion/Gs.pth --seeds=1,32,64,128,256,512,1024,2048 --truncation_psi=0.0
mv results results_00

# truncation_psi=0.5
python3 run_generator.py generate_images --network=skylion/Gs.pth --seeds=1,32,64,128,256,512,1024,2048 --truncation_psi=0.5
mv results results_05

# truncation_psi=1.5
python3 run_generator.py generate_images --network=skylion/Gs.pth --seeds=1,32,64,128,256,512,1024,2048 --truncation_psi=1.5
mv results results_15

# truncation_psi=2.0
python3 run_generator.py generate_images --network=skylion/Gs.pth --seeds=1,32,64,128,256,512,1024,2048 --truncation_psi=2.0
mv results results_20

# truncation_psi=3.0
python3 run_generator.py generate_images --network=skylion/Gs.pth --seeds=1,32,64,128,256,512,1024,2048 --truncation_psi=3.0
mv results results_30

# truncation_psi=5.0
python3 run_generator.py generate_images --network=skylion/Gs.pth --seeds=1,32,64,128,256,512,1024,2048 --truncation_psi=5.0
mv results results_50

# truncation_psi=-0.5
python3 run_generator.py generate_images --network=skylion/Gs.pth --seeds=1,32,64,128,256,512,1024,2048 --truncation_psi=-0.5
mv results results_05m

# truncation_psi=-1.5
python3 run_generator.py generate_images --network=skylion/Gs.pth --seeds=1,32,64,128,256,512,1024,2048 --truncation_psi=-1.5
mv results results_15m

# Generate style mixing example (matches style mixing video clip)
python3 run_generator.py style_mixing_example --network=skylion/Gs.pth --row_seeds=1,64,256,4096 --col_seeds=255,1023,2047 --truncation_psi=0.7 --output results_mix

# python3 run_generator.py style_mixing_example --network=skylion/Gs.pth --row_seeds=1,64,256,4096 --col_seeds=255,1023,2047 --truncation_psi=1.0 --output results_mix

# truncation_psi=0.0
・Jetson Nanoで StyleGAN 2を動かして可愛い美少女のアニメ顔を大量生産する方法
Jetson Nanoで StyleGAN 2を動かして可愛い美少女のアニメ顔を大量生産する方法

# truncation_psi=0.5
・Jetson Nanoで StyleGAN 2を動かして可愛い美少女のアニメ顔を大量生産する方法
Jetson Nanoで StyleGAN 2を動かして可愛い美少女のアニメ顔を大量生産する方法

# truncation_psi=1.0
・Jetson Nanoで StyleGAN 2を動かして可愛い美少女のアニメ顔を大量生産する方法
Jetson Nanoで StyleGAN 2を動かして可愛い美少女のアニメ顔を大量生産する方法

# truncation_psi=1.5
・Jetson Nanoで StyleGAN 2を動かして可愛い美少女のアニメ顔を大量生産する方法
Jetson Nanoで StyleGAN 2を動かして可愛い美少女のアニメ顔を大量生産する方法

# truncation_psi=2.0
・Jetson Nanoで StyleGAN 2を動かして可愛い美少女のアニメ顔を大量生産する方法
Jetson Nanoで StyleGAN 2を動かして可愛い美少女のアニメ顔を大量生産する方法

# truncation_psi=3.0
・Jetson Nanoで StyleGAN 2を動かして可愛い美少女のアニメ顔を大量生産する方法
Jetson Nanoで StyleGAN 2を動かして可愛い美少女のアニメ顔を大量生産する方法

# truncation_psi=5.0
・Jetson Nanoで StyleGAN 2を動かして可愛い美少女のアニメ顔を大量生産する方法
Jetson Nanoで StyleGAN 2を動かして可愛い美少女のアニメ顔を大量生産する方法

# truncation_psi=-0.5
・Jetson Nanoで StyleGAN 2を動かして可愛い美少女のアニメ顔を大量生産する方法
Jetson Nanoで StyleGAN 2を動かして可愛い美少女のアニメ顔を大量生産する方法

# truncation_psi=-1.5
・Jetson Nanoで StyleGAN 2を動かして可愛い美少女のアニメ顔を大量生産する方法
Jetson Nanoで StyleGAN 2を動かして可愛い美少女のアニメ顔を大量生産する方法

# Generate style mixing example (matches style mixing video clip)
・Jetson Nanoで StyleGAN 2を動かして可愛い美少女のアニメ顔を大量生産する方法
Jetson Nanoで StyleGAN 2を動かして可愛い美少女のアニメ顔を大量生産する方法

・Jetson Nanoで StyleGAN 2を動かして可愛い美少女のアニメ顔を大量生産する方法
Jetson Nanoで StyleGAN 2を動かして可愛い美少女のアニメ顔を大量生産する方法

・Jetson Nanoで StyleGAN 2を動かして可愛い美少女のアニメ顔を大量生産する方法
Jetson Nanoで StyleGAN 2を動かして可愛い美少女のアニメ顔を大量生産する方法

● PyTorch for Jetson Nano - version 1.5.0 now available

PyTorch for Jetson Nano - version 1.5.0 now available

PyTorch v1.4.0
JetPack 4.2 / 4.3
Python 2.7 - torch-1.4.0-cp27-cp27mu-linux_aarch64.whl
Python 3.6 - torch-1.4.0-cp36-cp36m-linux_aarch64.whl

# Install PyTorch

# Python 2.7 PyTorch 1.4.0
wget https://nvidia.box.com/shared/static/1v2cc4ro6zvsbu0p8h6qcuaqco1qcsif.whl -O torch-1.4.0-cp27-cp27mu-linux_aarch64.whl
sudo apt-get -y install libopenblas-base libopenmpi-dev
pip3 install future torch-1.4.0-cp27-cp27mu-linux_aarch64.whl

# Python 3.6 PyTorch 1.4.0
wget https://nvidia.box.com/shared/static/ncgzus5o23uck9i5oth2n8n06k340l6k.whl -O torch-1.4.0-cp36-cp36m-linux_aarch64.whl
sudo apt-get install python3-pip libopenblas-base libopenmpi-dev
pip3 install Cython
# Successfully installed Cython-0.29.20

pip3 install numpy torch-1.4.0-cp36-cp36m-linux_aarch64.whl

# Verifying The Installation
python3 -c "import torch; print (torch.__version__)"
# 1.4.0
# Install torchvision v0.5.0
sudo apt-get install libjpeg-dev zlib1g-dev
# see below for version of torchvision to download
git clone --branch $TV_VERSION https://github.com/pytorch/vision torchvision --depth 1
cd torchvision
sudo python3 setup.py install
# attempting to load torchvision from build dir will result in import error
cd ../

# always needed for Python 2.7, not needed torchvision v0.5.0+ with Python 3.
# (not needed) pip install 'pillow<7'

# Verifying The Installation
python3 -c "import torchvision; print (torchvision.__version__)"
# 0.5.0a0+85b8fbf

● RANDOM SAMPLES(Making Anime Faces With StyleGANから引用)
import os
import pickle
import numpy as np
import PIL.Image
import dnnlib
import dnnlib.tflib as tflib
import config

def main():
    _G, _D, Gs = pickle.load(open("results/02051-sgan-faces-2gpu/network-snapshot-021980.pkl", "rb"))

    for i in range(0,1000):
        rnd = np.random.RandomState(None)
        latents = rnd.randn(1, Gs.input_shape[1])
        fmt = dict(func=tflib.convert_images_to_uint8, nchw_to_nhwc=True)
        images = Gs.run(latents, None, truncation_psi=0.6, randomize_noise=True, output_transform=fmt)
        os.makedirs(config.result_dir, exist_ok=True)
        png_filename = os.path.join(config.result_dir, 'example-'+str(i)+'.png')
        PIL.Image.fromarray(images[0], 'RGB').save(png_filename)

if __name__ == "__main__":

● KARRAS ET AL 2018 FIGURES(Making Anime Faces With StyleGANから引用)
diff --git a/generate_figures.py b/generate_figures.py
index 45b68b8..f27af9d 100755
--- a/generate_figures.py
+++ b/generate_figures.py
@@ -24,16 +24,13 @@ url_bedrooms    = 'https://drive.google.com/uc?id=1MOSKeGF0FJcivpBI7s63V9YHloUTO
 url_cars        = 'https://drive.google.com/uc?id=1MJ6iCfNtMIRicihwRorsM3b7mmtmK9c3' # karras2019stylegan-cars-512x384.pkl
 url_cats        = 'https://drive.google.com/uc?id=1MQywl0FNt6lHu8E_EUqnRbviagS7fbiJ' # karras2019stylegan-cats-256x256.pkl

-synthesis_kwargs = dict(output_transform=dict(func=tflib.convert_images_to_uint8, nchw_to_nhwc=True), minibatch_size=8)
+synthesis_kwargs = dict(output_transform=dict(func=tflib.convert_images_to_uint8, nchw_to_nhwc=True), minibatch_size=8, truncation_psi=0.7)

 _Gs_cache = dict()

 def load_Gs(url):
-    if url not in _Gs_cache:
-        with dnnlib.util.open_url(url, cache_dir=config.cache_dir) as f:
-            _G, _D, Gs = pickle.load(f)
-        _Gs_cache[url] = Gs
-    return _Gs_cache[url]
+    _G, _D, Gs = pickle.load(open("results/02051-sgan-faces-2gpu/network-snapshot-021980.pkl", "rb"))
+    return Gs

 # Figures 2, 3, 10, 11, 12: Multi-resolution grid of uncurated result images.
@@ -85,7 +82,7 @@ def draw_noise_detail_figure(png, Gs, w, h, num_samples, seeds):
     canvas = PIL.Image.new('RGB', (w * 3, h * len(seeds)), 'white')
     for row, seed in enumerate(seeds):
         latents = np.stack([np.random.RandomState(seed).randn(Gs.input_shape[1])] * num_samples)
-        images = Gs.run(latents, None, truncation_psi=1, **synthesis_kwargs)
+        images = Gs.run(latents, None, **synthesis_kwargs)
         canvas.paste(PIL.Image.fromarray(images[0], 'RGB'), (0, row * h))
         for i in range(4):
             crop = PIL.Image.fromarray(images[i + 1], 'RGB')
@@ -109,7 +106,7 @@ def draw_noise_components_figure(png, Gs, w, h, seeds, noise_ranges, flips):
     all_images = []
     for noise_range in noise_ranges:
         tflib.set_vars({var: val * (1 if i in noise_range else 0) for i, (var, val) in enumerate(noise_pairs)})
-        range_images = Gsc.run(latents, None, truncation_psi=1, randomize_noise=False, **synthesis_kwargs)
+        range_images = Gsc.run(latents, None, randomize_noise=False, **synthesis_kwargs)
         range_images[flips, :, :] = range_images[flips, :, ::-1]

@@ -144,14 +141,11 @@ def draw_truncation_trick_figure(png, Gs, w, h, seeds, psis):
 def main():
     os.makedirs(config.result_dir, exist_ok=True)
-    draw_uncurated_result_figure(os.path.join(config.result_dir, 'figure02-uncurated-ffhq.png'), load_Gs(url_ffhq), cx=0, cy=0, cw=1024, ch=1024, rows=3, lods=[0,1,2,2,3,3], seed=5)
-    draw_style_mixing_figure(os.path.join(config.result_dir, 'figure03-style-mixing.png'), load_Gs(url_ffhq), w=1024, h=1024, src_seeds=[639,701,687,615,2268], dst_seeds=[888,829,1898,1733,1614,845], style_ranges=[range(0,4)]*3+[range(4,8)]*2+[range(8,18)])
-    draw_noise_detail_figure(os.path.join(config.result_dir, 'figure04-noise-detail.png'), load_Gs(url_ffhq), w=1024, h=1024, num_samples=100, seeds=[1157,1012])
-    draw_noise_components_figure(os.path.join(config.result_dir, 'figure05-noise-components.png'), load_Gs(url_ffhq), w=1024, h=1024, seeds=[1967,1555], noise_ranges=[range(0, 18), range(0, 0), range(8, 18), range(0, 8)], flips=[1])
-    draw_truncation_trick_figure(os.path.join(config.result_dir, 'figure08-truncation-trick.png'), load_Gs(url_ffhq), w=1024, h=1024, seeds=[91,388], psis=[1, 0.7, 0.5, 0, -0.5, -1])
-    draw_uncurated_result_figure(os.path.join(config.result_dir, 'figure10-uncurated-bedrooms.png'), load_Gs(url_bedrooms), cx=0, cy=0, cw=256, ch=256, rows=5, lods=[0,0,1,1,2,2,2], seed=0)
-    draw_uncurated_result_figure(os.path.join(config.result_dir, 'figure11-uncurated-cars.png'), load_Gs(url_cars), cx=0, cy=64, cw=512, ch=384, rows=4, lods=[0,1,2,2,3,3], seed=2)
-    draw_uncurated_result_figure(os.path.join(config.result_dir, 'figure12-uncurated-cats.png'), load_Gs(url_cats), cx=0, cy=0, cw=256, ch=256, rows=5, lods=[0,0,1,1,2,2,2], seed=1)
+    draw_uncurated_result_figure(os.path.join(config.result_dir, 'figure02-uncurated-ffhq.png'), load_Gs(url_ffhq), cx=0, cy=0, cw=512, ch=512, rows=3, lods=[0,1,2,2,3,3], seed=5)
+    draw_style_mixing_figure(os.path.join(config.result_dir, 'figure03-style-mixing.png'), load_Gs(url_ffhq), w=512, h=512, src_seeds=[639,701,687,615,2268], dst_seeds=[888,829,1898,1733,1614,845], style_ranges=[range(0,4)]*3+[range(4,8)]*2+[range(8,16)])
+    draw_noise_detail_figure(os.path.join(config.result_dir, 'figure04-noise-detail.png'), load_Gs(url_ffhq), w=512, h=512, num_samples=100, seeds=[1157,1012])
+    draw_noise_components_figure(os.path.join(config.result_dir, 'figure05-noise-components.png'), load_Gs(url_ffhq), w=512, h=512, seeds=[1967,1555], noise_ranges=[range(0, 18), range(0, 0), range(8, 18), range(0, 8)], flips=[1])
+    draw_truncation_trick_figure(os.path.join(config.result_dir, 'figure08-truncation-trick.png'), load_Gs(url_ffhq), w=512, h=512, seeds=[91,388, 389, 390, 391, 392, 393, 394, 395, 396], psis=[1, 0.7, 0.5, 0.25, 0, -0.25, -0.5, -1])

● VIDEOS Training Montage(Making Anime Faces With StyleGANから引用)
cat $(ls ./results/*faces*/fakes*.png | sort --numeric-sort) | ffmpeg -framerate 10 \ # show 10 inputs per second
    -i - # stdin
    -r 25 # output frame-rate; frames will be duplicated to pad out to 25FPS
    -c:v libx264 # x264 for compatibility
    -pix_fmt yuv420p # force ffmpeg to use a standard colorspace - otherwise PNG colorspace is kept, breaking browsers (!)
    -crf 33 # adequate high quality
    -vf "scale=iw/2:ih/2" \ # shrink the image by 2x, the full detail is not necessary & saves space
    -preset veryslow -tune animation \ # aim for smallest binary possible with animation-tuned settings

● Interpolations(Making Anime Faces With StyleGANから引用)
import os
import pickle
import numpy as np
import PIL.Image
import dnnlib
import dnnlib.tflib as tflib
import config
import scipy

def main():


    # Load pre-trained network.
    # url = 'https://drive.google.com/uc?id=1MEGjdvVpUsu1jB4zrXZN7Y4kBBOzizDQ'
    # with dnnlib.util.open_url(url, cache_dir=config.cache_dir) as f:
    ## NOTE: insert model here:
    _G, _D, Gs = pickle.load(open("results/02047-sgan-faces-2gpu/network-snapshot-013221.pkl", "rb"))
    # _G = Instantaneous snapshot of the generator. Mainly useful for resuming a previous training run.
    # _D = Instantaneous snapshot of the discriminator. Mainly useful for resuming a previous training run.
    # Gs = Long-term average of the generator. Yields higher-quality results than the instantaneous snapshot.

    grid_size = [2,2]
    image_shrink = 1
    image_zoom = 1
    duration_sec = 60.0
    smoothing_sec = 1.0
    mp4_fps = 20
    mp4_codec = 'libx264'
    mp4_bitrate = '5M'
    random_seed = 404
    mp4_file = 'results/random_grid_%s.mp4' % random_seed
    minibatch_size = 8

    num_frames = int(np.rint(duration_sec * mp4_fps))
    random_state = np.random.RandomState(random_seed)

    # Generate latent vectors
    shape = [num_frames, np.prod(grid_size)] + Gs.input_shape[1:] # [frame, image, channel, component]
    all_latents = random_state.randn(*shape).astype(np.float32)
    import scipy
    all_latents = scipy.ndimage.gaussian_filter(all_latents,
                   [smoothing_sec * mp4_fps] + [0] * len(Gs.input_shape), mode='wrap')
    all_latents /= np.sqrt(np.mean(np.square(all_latents)))

    def create_image_grid(images, grid_size=None):
        assert images.ndim == 3 or images.ndim == 4
        num, img_h, img_w, channels = images.shape

        if grid_size is not None:
            grid_w, grid_h = tuple(grid_size)
            grid_w = max(int(np.ceil(np.sqrt(num))), 1)
            grid_h = max((num - 1) // grid_w + 1, 1)

        grid = np.zeros([grid_h * img_h, grid_w * img_w, channels], dtype=images.dtype)
        for idx in range(num):
            x = (idx % grid_w) * img_w
            y = (idx // grid_w) * img_h
            grid[y : y + img_h, x : x + img_w] = images[idx]
        return grid

    # Frame generation func for moviepy.
    def make_frame(t):
        frame_idx = int(np.clip(np.round(t * mp4_fps), 0, num_frames - 1))
        latents = all_latents[frame_idx]
        fmt = dict(func=tflib.convert_images_to_uint8, nchw_to_nhwc=True)
        images = Gs.run(latents, None, truncation_psi=0.7,
                              randomize_noise=False, output_transform=fmt)

        grid = create_image_grid(images, grid_size)
        if image_zoom > 1:
            grid = scipy.ndimage.zoom(grid, [image_zoom, image_zoom, 1], order=0)
        if grid.shape[2] == 1:
            grid = grid.repeat(3, 2) # grayscale => RGB
        return grid

    # Generate video.
    import moviepy.editor
    video_clip = moviepy.editor.VideoClip(make_frame, duration=duration_sec)
    video_clip.write_videofile(mp4_file, fps=mp4_fps, codec=mp4_codec, bitrate=mp4_bitrate)

    # import scipy
    # coarse
    duration_sec = 60.0
    smoothing_sec = 1.0
    mp4_fps = 20

    num_frames = int(np.rint(duration_sec * mp4_fps))
    random_seed = 500
    random_state = np.random.RandomState(random_seed)

    w = 512
    h = 512
    #src_seeds = [601]
    dst_seeds = [700]
    style_ranges = ([0] * 7 + [range(8,16)]) * len(dst_seeds)

    fmt = dict(func=tflib.convert_images_to_uint8, nchw_to_nhwc=True)
    synthesis_kwargs = dict(output_transform=fmt, truncation_psi=0.7, minibatch_size=8)

    shape = [num_frames] + Gs.input_shape[1:] # [frame, image, channel, component]
    src_latents = random_state.randn(*shape).astype(np.float32)
    src_latents = scipy.ndimage.gaussian_filter(src_latents,
                                                smoothing_sec * mp4_fps,
    src_latents /= np.sqrt(np.mean(np.square(src_latents)))

    dst_latents = np.stack(np.random.RandomState(seed).randn(Gs.input_shape[1]) for seed in dst_seeds)

    src_dlatents = Gs.components.mapping.run(src_latents, None) # [seed, layer, component]
    dst_dlatents = Gs.components.mapping.run(dst_latents, None) # [seed, layer, component]
    src_images = Gs.components.synthesis.run(src_dlatents, randomize_noise=False, **synthesis_kwargs)
    dst_images = Gs.components.synthesis.run(dst_dlatents, randomize_noise=False, **synthesis_kwargs)

    canvas = PIL.Image.new('RGB', (w * (len(dst_seeds) + 1), h * 2), 'white')

    for col, dst_image in enumerate(list(dst_images)):
        canvas.paste(PIL.Image.fromarray(dst_image, 'RGB'), ((col + 1) * h, 0))

    def make_frame(t):
        frame_idx = int(np.clip(np.round(t * mp4_fps), 0, num_frames - 1))
        src_image = src_images[frame_idx]
        canvas.paste(PIL.Image.fromarray(src_image, 'RGB'), (0, h))

        for col, dst_image in enumerate(list(dst_images)):
            col_dlatents = np.stack([dst_dlatents[col]])
            col_dlatents[:, style_ranges[col]] = src_dlatents[frame_idx, style_ranges[col]]
            col_images = Gs.components.synthesis.run(col_dlatents, randomize_noise=False, **synthesis_kwargs)
            for row, image in enumerate(list(col_images)):
                canvas.paste(PIL.Image.fromarray(image, 'RGB'), ((col + 1) * h, (row + 1) * w))
        return np.array(canvas)

    # Generate video.
    import moviepy.editor
    mp4_file = 'results/interpolate.mp4'
    mp4_codec = 'libx264'
    mp4_bitrate = '5M'

    video_clip = moviepy.editor.VideoClip(make_frame, duration=duration_sec)
    video_clip.write_videofile(mp4_file, fps=mp4_fps, codec=mp4_codec, bitrate=mp4_bitrate)

    import scipy

    duration_sec = 60.0
    smoothing_sec = 1.0
    mp4_fps = 20

    num_frames = int(np.rint(duration_sec * mp4_fps))
    random_seed = 503
    random_state = np.random.RandomState(random_seed)

    w = 512
    h = 512
    style_ranges = [range(6,16)]

    fmt = dict(func=tflib.convert_images_to_uint8, nchw_to_nhwc=True)
    synthesis_kwargs = dict(output_transform=fmt, truncation_psi=0.7, minibatch_size=8)

    shape = [num_frames] + Gs.input_shape[1:] # [frame, image, channel, component]
    src_latents = random_state.randn(*shape).astype(np.float32)
    src_latents = scipy.ndimage.gaussian_filter(src_latents,
                                                smoothing_sec * mp4_fps,
    src_latents /= np.sqrt(np.mean(np.square(src_latents)))

    dst_latents = np.stack([random_state.randn(Gs.input_shape[1])])

    src_dlatents = Gs.components.mapping.run(src_latents, None) # [seed, layer, component]
    dst_dlatents = Gs.components.mapping.run(dst_latents, None) # [seed, layer, component]

    def make_frame(t):
        frame_idx = int(np.clip(np.round(t * mp4_fps), 0, num_frames - 1))
        col_dlatents = np.stack([dst_dlatents[0]])
        col_dlatents[:, style_ranges[0]] = src_dlatents[frame_idx, style_ranges[0]]
        col_images = Gs.components.synthesis.run(col_dlatents, randomize_noise=False, **synthesis_kwargs)
        return col_images[0]

    # Generate video.
    import moviepy.editor
    mp4_file = 'results/fine_%s.mp4' % (random_seed)
    mp4_codec = 'libx264'
    mp4_bitrate = '5M'

    video_clip = moviepy.editor.VideoClip(make_frame, duration=duration_sec)
    video_clip.write_videofile(mp4_file, fps=mp4_fps, codec=mp4_codec, bitrate=mp4_bitrate)

if __name__ == "__main__":

● Interpolations(Making Anime Faces With StyleGANから引用)
import dnnlib.tflib as tflib
import math
import moviepy.editor
from numpy import linalg
import numpy as np
import pickle

def main():
    _G, _D, Gs = pickle.load(open("results/02051-sgan-faces-2gpu/network-snapshot-021980.pkl", "rb"))

    rnd = np.random
    latents_a = rnd.randn(1, Gs.input_shape[1])
    latents_b = rnd.randn(1, Gs.input_shape[1])
    latents_c = rnd.randn(1, Gs.input_shape[1])

    def circ_generator(latents_interpolate):
        radius = 40.0

        latents_axis_x = (latents_a - latents_b).flatten() / linalg.norm(latents_a - latents_b)
        latents_axis_y = (latents_a - latents_c).flatten() / linalg.norm(latents_a - latents_c)

        latents_x = math.sin(math.pi * 2.0 * latents_interpolate) * radius
        latents_y = math.cos(math.pi * 2.0 * latents_interpolate) * radius

        latents = latents_a + latents_x * latents_axis_x + latents_y * latents_axis_y
        return latents

    def mse(x, y):
        return (np.square(x - y)).mean()

    def generate_from_generator_adaptive(gen_func):
        max_step = 1.0
        current_pos = 0.0

        change_min = 10.0
        change_max = 11.0

        fmt = dict(func=tflib.convert_images_to_uint8, nchw_to_nhwc=True)

        current_latent = gen_func(current_pos)
        current_image = Gs.run(current_latent, None, truncation_psi=0.7, randomize_noise=False, output_transform=fmt)[0]
        array_list = []

        video_length = 1.0
        while(current_pos < video_length):

            lower = current_pos
            upper = current_pos + max_step
            current_pos = (upper + lower) / 2.0

            current_latent = gen_func(current_pos)
            current_image = images = Gs.run(current_latent, None, truncation_psi=0.7, randomize_noise=False, output_transform=fmt)[0]
            current_mse = mse(array_list[-1], current_image)

            while current_mse < change_min or current_mse > change_max:
                if current_mse < change_min:
                    lower = current_pos
                    current_pos = (upper + lower) / 2.0

                if current_mse > change_max:
                    upper = current_pos
                    current_pos = (upper + lower) / 2.0

                current_latent = gen_func(current_pos)
                current_image = images = Gs.run(current_latent, None, truncation_psi=0.7, randomize_noise=False, output_transform=fmt)[0]
                current_mse = mse(array_list[-1], current_image)
            print(current_pos, current_mse)
        return array_list

    frames = generate_from_generator_adaptive(circ_generator)
    frames = moviepy.editor.ImageSequenceClip(frames, fps=30)

    # Generate video.
    mp4_file = 'results/circular.mp4'
    mp4_codec = 'libx264'
    mp4_bitrate = '3M'
    mp4_fps = 20

    frames.write_videofile(mp4_file, fps=mp4_fps, codec=mp4_codec, bitrate=mp4_bitrate)

if __name__ == "__main__":

● COPYRIGHT(Making Anime Faces With StyleGANから引用に関して)
Per the copyright point above, all my generated videos and samples and models are released under the CC-0 (public domain equivalent) license. Source code listed may be derivative works of Nvidia’s CC-BY-NC-licensed StyleGAN code, and may be CC-BY-NC.

Tags: [Raspberry Pi], [電子工作], [ディープラーニング]


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