Logitec iPhone/スマートフォン置き忘れ防止タグ BLEタグ Bluetooth4.0対応 for Women ピンク LBT-MPVRU02PN
また、中国のネット通販のタオバオ(TAOBAO網)では CC2540/CC2541関係のモジュールが多数有り、値段的にも手ごろな価格で売られております。
TIの CC Debugger相当品や TIの BLE USBドングル相当品も売られています。
This is the Android source code project for the new CC2650 SensorTag. This SensorTag is lower power, higher performance, adds more sensors, and is shinier than the original SensorTag!
SensorTag User Guide CC2541DK SENSORの UUIDの一覧表。 SensorTag User Guide
IR Temperature, both object and ambient temperature
Accelerometer, 3 axis
Humidity, both relative humidity and temperature
Magnetometer, 3 axis
Barometer, both pressure and temperature
Gyroscope, 3 axis
The TI Base 128-bit UUID is: F0000000-0451-4000-B000-000000000000.
・Packet sniffer for Bluetooth low energy networks.
・Packet sniffer for ZigBee and IEEE 802.15.4 networks.
・Packet sniffer for RF4CE networks.
・Packet sniffer for SimpliciTI networks.
・Packet sniffer for generic protocols (raw packet data).
・Save/Open file with captured packets.
・Select fields to be displayed and hidden.
・Filtering of packets to be displayed.
・Packet details by display of raw data received by the radio.
・Accurate timestamping of received packets.
・Address book with list of all known nodes in the network.
・A simple time line that displays all packets in the sequence they have been received.
・Possibility to forward captured data to a UDP socket for real time monitoring of packets using custom tools.
● TI CC Debugger相当品 CPU書き込み器
・TI CC Debuggerの純正品と同等品なので純正のファームを焼いてアップデートできます。
・タオバオで購入した TI CC Debugger相当品
・タオバオで購入した TI CC Debugger相当品
・タオバオで購入した TI CC Debugger相当品
● TI CC Debuggerとターゲットとの接続方法
上記の USBデバイスと接続して BLE Packet Snifferとして使えました。
BLE Packet Snifferとしての接続は DC,DD,RESETn,GNDの 4本で OK。