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[NEW] 2022/10/24

Lenovo ThinkCentre M75sの BIOS ROMの MTMと S/Nの情報を復活させる方法 Lenovo ThinkCentre M75sの BIOS ROMの MTMと S/Nの情報を復活させる方法

(How to Recovery Lenovo ThinkCentre M75s BIOS info Machine type and Model、Serial Number、etc.)

Tags: [ベアボーン], [Windows PC], [Hackintosh]

● Lenovo ThinkCentre M75s Small Gen2の BIOSアップデートに失敗したので CH341Aで BIOSを根性焼きする

[NEW] 2022/10/24
Lenovo ThinkCentre M75s Small Gen2の BIOSアップデートに失敗したので CH341Aで BIOSを根性焼きして復活させる方法
Lenovo ThinkCentre M75s Small Gen2の BIOSアップデートに失敗したので CH341Aで BIOSを根性焼きして復活させる方法

  Lenovo ThinkCentre M75s Small Gen2 Recovery BIOS with CH341A SPI EEPROM BIOS Programmer

● Lenovo M75sの BIOS ROMの MTMや S/N、System Brand IDの情報を復活させる方法

 BIOS ROMを吹っ飛ばして CH341Aで ROMの内容を丸焼きしたのでパソコンの固有の情報が空っぽになっています。(下記スクショを参照)

・Lenovo M75sの BIOSを根性焼きで復活に成功しました!
Lenovo M75sの BIOSを根性焼きで復活に成功しました!


ThinkCentre M75s Gen2Value
Machine type and Model
Serial Number
System Brand IDThinkCentre M75s Gen 2
System UUIDxxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
 ※ 「シルアル番号」は本体の横のシール、梱包時の箱のシール、保証書等で確認できます。

 必要な物: 32GB以下の USBメモリ
 ※ FAT32でフォーマットする必要があるので「32GB以下」が必須条件となります。
 64GB以上の USBメモリは FAT32でフォーマットできません

 1) USBメモリを FAT32でフォーマットする
 2) BIOS アップデート (USB ドライブ パッケージ) m3ajt49usa.zipをダウンロードして解凍する
 3) startup.nshをテキストエディタで開き、55行目を下記の様に編集する
flash2.efi IMAGEM3A.rom /bb /rsmb /stp /defans /capsule << この 55行目を
goto END
AMIDEEFIx64.efi /SP "11JDCTO1WW" /SV "ThinkCentre M75s Gen 2" /SS "PC1xxxxx" /SU auto
goto END
 4) USBメモリを差してパソコンの電源を入れる
 5) USBメモリから起動して BIOS ROMの情報を更新する
 6) パソコンを Ctrl+Alt+Delで再起動する
 7) F1キーを連打して BIOSに入る
 8) BIOS ROMの情報を更新されている事を確認する
 ※ BIOSの情報の更新として AMIDEEFIx64.efiを使う方法を取りました

● AMIDEEFIx64.efiの実行例、その1
AMIDEEFIx64.efi /SP "11JDCTO1WW" /SV "ThinkCentre M75s Gen 2" /SS "PC1xxxxx"
BIOSを丸焼き後に Lenovo M75sの MTMと S/Nを復活させる

BIOSを丸焼き後に Lenovo M75sの MTMと S/Nを復活させる

● AMIDEEFIx64.efiの実行例、その2
AMIDEEFIx64.efi /SU auto
※ System UUIDは毎回ランダムな値になります
BIOSを丸焼き後に Lenovo M75sの System UUIDを復活させる

BIOSを丸焼き後に Lenovo M75sの System UUIDを復活させる

● AMIDEEFIx64.efiの実行例、その3
※ 裏ワザで下記の様にすると System UUIDを指定できます
How to Update Lenovo BIOS System UUID from Specify value
AMIDEEFIx64.efi /SU "00112233445566778899AABBCCDDEEFF"
BIOSを丸焼き後に Lenovo M75sの System UUIDを指定の値で復活させる

BIOSを丸焼き後に Lenovo M75sの System UUIDを指定の値で復活させる

AMIDEEFIx64.efi /SU "33221100554477668899AABBCCDDEEFF"

 (正常時の BIOSの画面をキャプチャしていたので System UUID情報も復元できた)

●今回使った AMIDEEFIx64.efiコマンドのまとめ
  /SP  ["String"]  Read/Write System product in Type 1.
  /SV  ["String"]  Read/Write System version in Type 1.
  /SS  ["String"]  Read/Write System Serial number in Type 1.
  /SU  [16 Bytes]  Read/Write System UUID in Type 1.
  /SU  AUTO Generates system UUID automatically and update Type 1.

● BIOS埋め込みのプリインの Windowsのライセンス情報を復活させる方法

 (正常時の BIOSの画面をキャプチャしていたので OA3 License情報も復元できた)

[NEW] 2022/10/24
Lenovo ThinkCentre M75sのプリインの Windowsの BIOS ROMの OEM ライセンス認証 OA3を復活させる方法
Lenovo ThinkCentre M75sのプリインの Windowsの BIOS ROMの OEM ライセンス認証 OA3を復活させる方法

  How to Recovery Lenovo BIOS Windows License OEM Activation Digital Product Key OA3 DPK

● AMIDEEFIx64.efiの中身を確認すると色々なパラメータが書き換えできそうだ

|                       AMIDEEFI64 Utility v5.25.0098                       |
|      Copyright (c) 1985-2019, American Megatrends International LLC.      |
|         All rights reserved. Subject to AMI licensing agreement.          |
| Commands:                                                                 |
|       /ALL  [FileName]  Output SMBIOS string to screen/file.              |
|       /DMS  [FileName]  Create configuration file.                        |
|   /DUMPALL  [FileName]  Output all SMBIOS data to screen/file.            |
|      /DUMP  # [#] ...   Read Type # data.                                 |
| Options:                                                                  |
|       /IVN  ["String"]  Read/Write BIOS vendor name in Type 0.            |
|        /IV  ["String"]  Read/Write BIOS version in Type 0.                |
|        /ID  ["String"]  Read/Write BIOS release date in Type 0.           |
|        /SM  ["String"]  Read/Write System manufacture in Type 1.          |
|        /SP  ["String"]  Read/Write System product in Type 1.              |
|        /SV  ["String"]  Read/Write System version in Type 1.              |
|        /SS  ["String"]  Read/Write System Serial number in Type 1.        |
|        /SU  [16 Bytes]  Read/Write System UUID in Type 1.                 |
|        /SU  AUTO Generates system UUID automatically and update Type 1.   |
|        /SK  ["String"]  Read/Write System SKU number in Type 1.           |
|        /SF  ["String"]  Read/Write System family in Type 1.               |
|        /BM  ["String"]  Read/Write Baseboard manufacture in Type 2.       |
|        /BP  ["String"]  Read/Write Baseboard product in Type 2.           |
|        /BV  ["String"]  Read/Write Baseboard version in Type 2.           |
|        /BS  ["String"]  Read/Write Baseboard Serial number in Type 2.     |
|        /BT  ["String"]  Read/Write Baseboard Asset Tag  in Type 2.        |
|       /BLC  ["String"]  Read/Write Baseboard Loc. in Chassis  in Type 2.  |
|       /BMH  <handle #>  ["String"]                                        |
|             Read/Write Baseboard manufacture in Type 2.                   |
|       /BPH  <handle #>  ["String"]                                        |
|             Read/Write Baseboard product in Type 2.                       |
|       /BVH  <handle #>  ["String"]                                        |
|             Read/Write Baseboard version in Type 2.                       |
|       /BSH  <handle #>  ["String"]                                        |
|             Read/Write Baseboard Serial number in Type 2.                 |
|       /BTH  <handle #>  ["String"]                                        |
|             Read/Write Baseboard Asset Tag  in Type 2.                    |
|      /BLCH  <handle #>  ["String"]                                        |
|             Read/Write Baseboard Loc. in Chassis  in Type 2.              |
|        /CM  ["String"]  Read/Write Chassis manufacture in Type 3.         |
|        /CT  [8 Bits]    Read/Write Chassis type in Type 3.                |
|        /CV  ["String"]  Read/Write Chassis version in Type 3.             |
|        /CS  ["String"]  Read/Write Chassis Serial number in Type 3.       |
|        /CA  ["String"]  Read/Write Chassis Tag number in Type 3.          |
|        /CO  [32 Bits]   Read/Write Chassis OEM-defined value in Type 3.   |
|        /CH  [8 Bits]    Read/Write Chassis Height in Type 3.              |
|       /CPC  [8 Bits]    Read/Write Chassis Power Cords number in Type 3.  |
|       /CSK  ["String"]  Read/Write Chassis SKU number in Type 3.          |
|       /CMH  <handle #>  ["String"]                                        |
|             Read/Write Chassis manufacture in Type 3.                     |
|       /CTH  <handle #>  [8 bits]                                          |
|             Read/Write Chassis type in Type 3.                            |
|       /CVH  <handle #>  ["String"]                                        |
|             Read/Write Chassis version in Type 3.                         |
|       /CSH  <handle #>  ["String"]                                        |
|             Read/Write Chassis Serial number in Type 3.                   |
|       /CAH  <handle #>  ["String"]                                        |
|             Read/Write Chassis Tag number in Type 3.                      |
|       /COH  <handle #>  [32 bits]                                         |
|             Read/Write Chassis OEM-defined value in Type 3.               |
|       /CHH  <handle #>  [8 bits]                                          |
|             Read/Write Chassis Height in Type 3.                          |
|      /CPCH  <handle #>  [8 bits]                                          |
|             Read/Write Chassis Power Cords number in Type 3.              |
|      /CSKH  <handle #>  ["String"]                                        |
|             Read/Write Chassis SKU number in Type 3.                      |
|       /PSN  ["String"]  Read/Write Processor serial number in Type 4.     |
|       /PAT  ["String"]  Read/Write Processor asset tag in Type 4.         |
|       /PPN  ["String"]  Read/Write Processor part number in Type 4.       |
|        /OS  [<Number> <"String">]                                         |
|             Read/Write OEM string in Type 11.                             |
|       /SCO  [<Number> <"String">]                                         |
|             Read/Write Sys. Configuration Op. in Type 12.                 |
|       /PBL  <handle #>  ["String"]                                        |
|             Read/Write Port. Battery Location in Type 22.                 |
|       /PBM  <handle #>  ["String"]                                        |
|             Read/Write Port. Battery Manufacturer in Type 22.             |
|       /PBD  <handle #>  ["String"]                                        |
|             Read/Write Port. Battery ManuDate in Type 22.                 |
|       /PBS  <handle #>  ["String"]                                        |
|             Read/Write Port. Battery Serial Number in Type 22.            |
|       /PBN  <handle #>  ["String"]                                        |
|             Read/Write Port. Battery Device Name in Type 22.              |
|      /PBCH  <handle #>  [8 Bits]                                          |
|             Read/Write Port. Battery Device Chemistry in Type 22.         |
|      /PBCA  <handle #>  [16 Bits]                                         |
|             Read/Write Port. Battery Design Capacity in Type 22.          |
|       /PBV  <handle #>  [16 Bits]                                         |
|             Read/Write Port. Battery Design Voltage in Type 22.           |
|      /PBSV  <handle #>  ["String"]                                        |
|             Read/Write Port. Battery SBDS Ver. Num. in Type 22.           |
|       /PBE  <handle #>  [8 Bits]                                          |
|             Read/Write Port. Battery Maxmum Error in Type 22.             |
|      /PBSN  <handle #>  [16 Bits]                                         |
|             Read/Write Port. Battery in SBDS Ser. Num. in Type 22.        |
|      /PBSD  <handle #>  [16 Bits]                                         |
|             Read/Write Port. Battery in SBDS Manu. Date. in Type 22.      |
|      /PBSC  <handle #>  ["String"]                                        |
|             Read/Write Port. Battery in SBDS Dev. Chem. in Type 22.       |
|      /PBCM  <handle #>  [8 Bits]                                          |
|             Read/Write Port. Battery in Design Cap Multi in Type 22.      |
|       /PBO  <handle #>  [32 Bits]                                         |
|             Read/Write Por. Bat. in OEM-Specific Type 22.                 |
|        /PU  <handle #>  [8 Bits]                                          |
|             Read/Write Power supply unit group in Type 39.                |
|        /PL  <handle #>  ["String"]                                        |
|             Read/Write Power supply location in Type 39.                  |
|        /PD  <handle #>  ["String"]                                        |
|             Read/Write Power supply device name in Type 39.               |
|        /PM  <handle #>  ["String"]                                        |
|             Read/Write Power supply manufacturer in Type 39.              |
|        /PS  <handle #>  ["String"]                                        |
|             Read/Write Power supply serial number in Type 39.             |
|        /PT  <handle #>  ["String"]                                        |
|             Read/Write Power supply asset tag number in Type 39.          |
|        /PN  <handle #>  ["String"]                                        |
|             Read/Write Power supply model part number in Type 39.         |
|        /PR  <handle #>  ["String"]                                        |
|             Read/Write Power supply revision level in Type 39.            |
|        /PP  <handle #>  [16 Bits]                                         |
|             Read/Write Power supply max power capacity in Type 39.        |
|        /PC  <handle #> [16 Bits]                                          |
|             Read/Write Power supply characteristics in Type 39.           |
|       /PVH  <handle #>  [16 Bits]                                         |
|             Read/Write Power supply voltage probe handle in Type 39.      |
|       /PDH  <handle #>  [16 Bits]                                         |
|             Read/Write Power supply cooling dev. handle in Type 39.       |
|       /PCH  <handle #>  [16 Bits]                                         |
|             Read/Write Power supply current probe handle in Type 39.      |
| 1. The expression enclosed by <> means it is a mandatory field.           |
| 2. The expression enclosed by [] means it is an optional field.           |
| 3. A command without parameter means it is a read command.                |
| 4. A command with necessary parameter means it is a write command.        |
| 5. The format of BIOS release date is "mm/dd/yyyy".                       |

● 2. Flash Program Options

*     flash2.efi [option1] [option2] ... [optionX]                          *

*     [OPTIONS]                                                             *
*     /h               Show help messages.                                  *
*     /rsmb            Preserve all SMBIOS structures.                      *
*     /clr             Clear BIOS settings.                                 *
*     /ign             Ignore BIOS version check.                           *
*     /sn:nnnnnnn      Update system serial number (up to 20 characters).   *
*     /csn:nnnnnnn     Update chassis serial number (up to 20 characters).  *
*     /mtm:nnnnnnn     Update machine type and model number (up to 25       *
*                      characters).                                         *
*     /tag:nnnnnnn     Update system asset tag (up to 25 characters).       *
*     /uuid            The flash utility will generate an Universally       *
*                      Unique Identifier (UUID), replacing the one that     *
*                      is currently in the system.                          *
*     /reboot          Reboot after all requests done.                      *
*     /pass:nnnnnnn    Input current system password.                       *
*     /quiet           Operating without physical presence.                 *
● 5. AMIDEEFIx64 - AMIBIOS DMI Editor for Shell

*     AMIDEEFIx64.efi [option1] [option2] ... [optionX]                     *

*     Options:                                                              *
*     /SP  "String"     Update the System Machine Type and Model Number.    *
*     /SS  "String"     Update the System Serial Number.                    *
*     /CS  "String"     Update the Chassis Serial Number.                   *
*     /SU  auto         Update the System UUID.                             *
*     /SV  "String"     update the System Brand ID.                         *
*     /CA  "String"     update the Chassis Asset Tag Number.                *
● 6. Flash Customized Logo

*     logo.nsh <logo file name>                                             *

*     The size of logo file after compression should be less than 8KB       *
*     (the size of compressed logo file is displayed on the screen during   *
*     the processing).                                                      *
*                                                                           *
*     The following example shows how to change the power-on logo.          *
*       logo.nsh myfav.bmp                                                  *

● Lenovo公式の MTMと S/Nの更新方法

How to update the Machine Type and Model (MTM) System Serial Number (SN) or System Brand ID of system BIOS menu - ThinkCentre ThinkStation

BIOS メニューから、マシンタイプ・モデル(MTM)、シリアル番号、システムブランドIDを修正する - ThinkCentre, ThinkStation

● 1. amidedos.exe ツールが含まれる USB フラッシュパッケージを使用する場合
●マシンタイプとモデルのフラッシュ(標準で 10文字)
amidedos.exe /sp "11JDCTO1WW"

amidedos.exe /ss "PC1xxxxx"
amidedos.exe /ss "PC1ABCDE"

amidedos.exe /sv "ThinkCentre M75s Gen 2"

● 2. amideefix64.efi ツールが含まれるUSB フラッシュパッケージを使用する場合
USB キーをFAT32 にフォーマットして、USB BIOSフラッシュパッケージのコンテンツをキーに展開します。
キーを起動して、メッセージ「5 秒以内に ESC を押して、startup.nsh をスキップします。または他のキーを押して続行します。」が表示されたらすぐ「ESC」を押します。
Shell> プロンプトから、以下のコマンドを実行して、マシンタイプ・モデル、シリアル番号、システムブランドIDをBIOSでフラッシュします。

amideefix64.efi /sp "String"

amideefix64.efi /ss "String"

amideefix64.efi /sv "String"

 マシンタイプ-モデル (例: 2355-GZJ)

Tags: [ベアボーン], [Windows PC], [Hackintosh]


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Lenovo ThinkCentre M75s Small Gen2の BIOSアップデートに失敗したので CH341Aで BIOSを根性焼きして復活させる方法
Lenovo ThinkCentre M75s Small Gen2の BIOSアップデートに失敗したので CH341Aで BIOSを根性焼きして復活させる方法

  Lenovo ThinkCentre M75s Small Gen2 Recovery BIOS with CH341A SPI EEPROM BIOS Programmer

Lenovo ThinkCentre M75sのプリインの Windowsの BIOS ROMの OEM ライセンス認証 OA3を復活させる方法
Lenovo ThinkCentre M75sのプリインの Windowsの BIOS ROMの OEM ライセンス認証 OA3を復活させる方法

  How to Recovery Lenovo BIOS Windows License OEM Activation Digital Product Key OA3 DPK

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