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Windows 10をカスタムしたインストール イメージを Oscdimgコマンドで作成する方法 Windows 10をカスタムしたインストール イメージを Oscdimgコマンドで作成する方法

(UEFIに対応していないパソコンでもインストールイメージとして起動可能な ISOイメージを作成する方法、VirtualBoxも OK)

Tags: [Windows], [無人インストール]

● Windows 10をカスタムしたインストール イメージを Oscdimgコマンドで作成する方法

 UEFIに対応していないパソコンでもインストールイメージとして起動可能な ISOイメージを作成する方法、VirtualBoxも OK。

 今時のパソコンは USBメディアからのインストールに対応しているので何も考えずに efiディレクトリを含めてコピーすればクリーンインストール対応の起動可能なインストールメディアに成りますが、VirtualBox等の場合は従来の BIOSブートに対応の起動可能な ISOイメージを作成する必要が有ります。

 ここでは Microsoft公式の oscdimgコマンドを使って BIOSブートに対応の起動可能な ISOイメージを作成します。

 ImgBurnでも Boot ISOイメージを作成する方法が有りますが、私の場合は { Couldn't find BOOTMGR } のエラーが出て駄目でした。(Boot Image efsboot.com、Sectors to Load 8の方法)

・ImgBurnで Non UEFIの Bootable ISOイメージを作成する方法
ImgBurnで Non UEFIの Bootable ISOイメージを作成する方法

● Oscdimgコマンドで Boot対応の ISOイメージを作成する方法

PE CD-ROM 用の UEFI プラットフォーム用の ISO Windows作成する
Oscdimg のコマンド ライン オプション

rem 下記の内容は必要に応じて書き換えます
set WIN10_DIR=C:\Windows_21H2
set WIN10_ISO=C:\TMP\Windows21H2_Custom.iso
set WIN10_LABEL=Windows21H2_Custom_ISO

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Assessment and Deployment Kit\Deployment Tools\amd64\Oscdimg\oscdimg.exe" ^
  -m -o -h -u2 -udfver150 ^
  -os ^
  -bootdata:2#p0,e,b%WIN10_DIR%\boot\etfsboot.com#pEF,e,b%WIN10_DIR%\efi\microsoft\boot\efisys.bin ^
  -l%WIN10_LABEL% ^
  %WIN10_DIR% ^
※ -udfver200 UDF revision 2.00を指定した場合は VirtualBox 6.1.30が起動メディアとして認識しませんでした。

 Windows 10の場合は下記のファイルが起動時に意味を持ちます。

● Oscdimgコマンドの入手方法

 ADK for Windows 11をインストールします。(Windows 10にもインストール可能)

 「インストールを行なう機能」は「Deployment Tools」だけを選びます。

C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Assessment and Deployment Kit\Deployment Tools\
 に oscdimg.exeが有ります。

・ADK for Windows 11をインストールして Oscdimgコマンドを入手する方法
ADK for Windows 11をインストールして Oscdimgコマンドを入手する方法

ADK for Windows 11をインストールして Oscdimgコマンドを入手する方法

ADK for Windows 11をインストールして Oscdimgコマンドを入手する方法

● ADK for Windows 11
Windows ADK のダウンロードとインストール

> oscdimg.exe
OSCDIMG 2.56 CD-ROM and DVD-ROM Premastering Utility
Copyright (C) Microsoft, 1993-2012. All rights reserved.
Licensed only for producing Microsoft authorized content.

Usage: OSCDIMG [options] sourceroot targetfile

For option information, use -help with one of the following categories
        ISO      Options for the ISO 9660 file system
        Joliet   Options for the Joliet file system
        UDF      Options for the UDF file system
        Boot     Options for bootable CDs
        Optimize Options for optimization
        Order    Options for ordering the files
        DVD      Options for DVD video and audio
        Mesg     Options for displaying warnings and messages
        Other    Options that do not fit in any other category

> oscdimg.exe -help UDF
OSCDIMG 2.56 CD-ROM and DVD-ROM Premastering Utility
Copyright (C) Microsoft, 1993-2012. All rights reserved.
Licensed only for producing Microsoft authorized content.

Usage: OSCDIMG [options] sourceroot targetfile

UDF options: These options cannot be combined with ISO 9660 options

        -u1  This option is used to produce an image that has both the UDF file
             system and the ISO 9660 file system.  The ISO 9660 file system
             will be written with DOS compatible 8.3 file names.  The UDF file
             system will be written with Unicode file names.
        -u2  This option is used to produce an image that has only the UDF
             file system on it.  Any system not capable of reading UDF will
             only see a default text file alerting the user that this image is
             only available on computers that support UDF.
        -ur  This option overrides the default text file used with the (-u2)
             option.  Example: -urc:\readme.txt
        -us  This option will create sparse file when available.  This can only
             be used with the (-u2) option.
        -ue  This option will create embedded files.  This can only be used
             with the (-u2) option.
        -uf  This option will embed UDF file identifier entries.  This can
             only be used with the (-u2) option.
        -yl  This option will use long allocation descriptors instead of short
             allocation descriptors.

Three revisions of the UDF file system supported by CDIMAGE.
The default version is 1.50.
        -udfver102 Writes UDF revision 1.02  (Supported: Windows 98 and later)
        -udfver150 Writes UDF revision 1.50  (Supported: Windows 2K and later)
        -udfver200 Writes UDF revision 2.00  (Supported: Windows XP and later)

NOTE:  See DVD help for information on UDF and DVD Video/Audio images.

> oscdimg.exe -help Boot
OSCDIMG 2.56 CD-ROM and DVD-ROM Premastering Utility
Copyright (C) Microsoft, 1993-2012. All rights reserved.
Licensed only for producing Microsoft authorized content.

Usage: OSCDIMG [options] sourceroot targetfile

Boot options: These options can be used to create bootable CD/DVD images

The following options may only be used for single boot entry images and may
not be combined with any multi-boot entry switches.

        -b  This option is used to specify the file that will be written in the
            boot sector(s) of the disk.  Example: -bc:\location\cdboot.bin
        -p  This option specifies the value to use for the Platform ID in the
            El Torito catalog.  The default is 0x00 to represent the x86
        -e  This option means not to use floppy disk emulation in the El Torito

The following options may be used to generate multi boot entry images and may
not be combined with any single boot entry switches.

Each multi-boot entry is seperated via a # token, as well as the number of
boot entries.  The options for a boot entry are seperated via a comma token.
Each boot option must specify the boot code for that option.


        b   This option is used to specify the file that will be written in the
            boot sector(s) of the disk.  Example: -bc:\location\cdboot.bin
        p   This option specifies the value to use for the Platform ID in the
            El Torito catalog.  The default is 0x00 to represent the x86
            platform. 0xEF represents an EFI-based system
        e   This option means not to use floppy disk emulation in the El Torito

        t   Specifies the El Torito load segment.  If not specified, defaults to

This specifies a multi-boot image with the default image having an x86 boot
sector that launches the ETFSBOOT.com bootcode, and a secondary EFI boot
image that launches ESPBootFile when booted

> oscdimg.exe -help Optimize
OSCDIMG 2.56 CD-ROM and DVD-ROM Premastering Utility
Copyright (C) Microsoft, 1993-2012. All rights reserved.
Licensed only for producing Microsoft authorized content.

Usage: OSCDIMG [options] sourceroot targetfile

Optimize options: These options configure optimizations

        -o  This option will encode duplicate files only once.  This uses
            a MD5 hashing algorithm to compare files.
        -oc This option will encode duplicate files only once.  It does
            a binary compare on the files and is slower.
        -oi This option will ignore diamond compression timestamps when
            comparing files.

> oscdimg.exe -help Other
OSCDIMG 2.56 CD-ROM and DVD-ROM Premastering Utility
Copyright (C) Microsoft, 1993-2012. All rights reserved.
Licensed only for producing Microsoft authorized content.

Usage: OSCDIMG [options] sourceroot targetfile

General Options: These are general options on image creation

        -l  This options specifies the volume label.  This should be 32
            characters or less.  There is no space after this option.
            Example: -lMyVolume
        -t  This option specifies a time stamp for all files and directories
            on the image.  Example: -t12/31/2000,15:01:00
        -g  This option  makes all times encoded in GMT time rather than the
            local time.
        -h  This option will include all hidden files and directories under the
            source path for this image.
        -c  This option will use ANSI file names instead of OEM file names.
        -y6 This options allows directory records to be exactly aligned at the
            end of sectors.
        -yw This option opens source files with write sharing.
        -k  This option creates an image even if it fails to open some of the
            source files.
        -q  This option just scans the source files only; it does not create
            an image.
        -m  This option is used to ignore the maximum size limit or an image.
        -maxsize This option overrides the default maximum size of an image.
                 The default value is a 74 minute CD unless UDF is used, in
                 which case the default is no maximum size.  The value
                 specified here is represented in MB.
                 Example: -maxsize:4096 limits the image to 4096MB.
        -r  This option resolves symbolic links to their target location.

NOTE: Option (-m) cannot be used with option (-maxsize).

> oscdimg.exe -help Mesg
OSCDIMG 2.56 CD-ROM and DVD-ROM Premastering Utility
Copyright (C) Microsoft, 1993-2012. All rights reserved.
Licensed only for producing Microsoft authorized content.

Usage: OSCDIMG [options] sourceroot targetfile

Mesg options: These options allow customization for what information is shown

        -w1 This option reports all non-ISO or non-Joliet compliant file names
            or depths
        -w2 This option reports all non-DOS compliant file names.
        -w3 This option reports all zero-length files.
        -w4 This option reports each file name copied to the image.
        -yd This option suppresses warnings for non-identical files with the
            same initial 64K.
        -a  This option displays the allocation summary for files and
        -os This option will show duplicate files when creating the image.

Tags: [Windows], [無人インストール]


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